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Renting your property

What to know when renting your property

You would like to rent out a property which you own?

Be sure of the following;

  • All heating equipment and hot water systems are functional
  • Ensure safety standards are adhered to; particularly electrical instalments
  • Have a complete diagnosis report established to hand over to the entering tenant
  • Check that the property is clean and in good working order

Tips from the Professionals!

A tenant who finds a spotless premises will likely intend to hand back over clean accommodation in return.

It’s highly recommended to subscribe to an insurance guarantee for unpaid rent fees. In the event that you do not receive your due rent, the insurance will have you covered.

The conditions of rent insurance can vary from one company to another.

Before handing over the keys, ask to see the entering tenant’s certificate of home insurance.

Lastly, the landlord and the tenant should each draw up a joint entry inventory. The exit inventory can then be compared to the entering inventory, in the event that the owner is obliged to retain deposit fees to restore damage to the property.

Happy Renting!

For more information contact us, you are looking for a to rent property/ accommodation

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